Usually these would be words of pure joy and thankfulness, but not today. Pure boredom had taken over my innermost being. I have resorted to using my cell phone as a light saber on the cat... not a good idea. Yes, studying has gotten done, but you can only spend so many hours staring at a paper covered in music history notes or dispensationalism. So here I am, writing this, because I could care less who the main composers during the Baroque period were or what modifies an adjective or which of Abraham's sons was the godly one.... blah blah blah. Those are all very important, but not necessarily fun in this sort of context. So here is what is on my mind right now.
1. Sushi. It's tastey, healthy, and mostly importantly, it's cooked! Don't let anyone tell you that sushi is raw because it is not. Sashami is raw, as well as something else that starts with an "n". You can't tell me that rice, veggies, cream cheese, and seafood all wrapped up in a nice thin layer of seaweed doesn't sound appetizing, because it does. Oh you can? Well that's sad. You must not have ever tried it before. We need to go on a sushi date sometime so I can open your eyes to the true beauty of Japanese cuisine. Over the years, since I was first introduced to this delightful dish, I have found three favorite place to go for sushi. (1) Appare, (2) Waterfront, and (3) Taki. Appare is my favorite by far. They have a great lunch deal Monday through Friday, so that's the only time I get it because that's the only time I can afford it. Waterfront and Taki are good, but specialize more in their main dishes, which isn't bad. Good sushi, but most of the time not worth the price if you are very hungry.
2. Music. Give me a break, it's always on my mind whether I'm thinking about it or not. (I know that makes no sense... but it's true. Trust me.) For example, do you try to find out the BPM's of the clicking sound when you type on a keyboard? I do. I know, lame, but it's entertaining. What happens if I slow down you might ask? Well then it starts all over until I get to another steady pace. Also, I sing what I'm trying to memorize. Don't write me off as being crazy quite yet, because you know you have done it before. The quadratic formual, books of the Bible, tying your shoes... the list goes on. It's easier to memorize a song than a bunch of words with no rhythm or melody.
3. The cat. I can't help it! She's taking over my bed. Seriously... she will wake up and start meowing if I cross "the line" to her side. I can't help but think that maybe she thinks that this is her bed and not mine. Which, I wouldn't be surprised of that were true. She does use it more than me I guess. There have also been times where I will pet her but she doesn't move. She is getting a little old, so this scares me, which causes me to shake her a little and tick her off. Don't get me wrong, I love my cat, but I have an idea she is no longer just a pet, but has become my roommate. Scarey idea, I know.
Yeah, it's random, not very entertaining, and kind of silly, but these are the things that when all else fails, I think about. Yes there are other things, but these are the main categories. So keep in mind that when you might wish for a snow day, you might not really want one.
If you ever come to Spokane, you and I are going to You will love it!