Recently I have come to and earth-shattering conclusion. Everyone is trying to fit a label whether it is a clothing label, sports, lifestyle, or even the label of being unlabelable. Those who say that they aren't not trying to fit a label fit that of a non-conformist. We might mot always notice the fact that we are trying to live up to this stereotype, but we are. Like those kids that wake up five minutes before class on purpose and rush to learn about whatever are trying to fit in as a typical college kid. It's a sad truth, really. The fact that we as humans feel this intense need to measure up to the expectations of society. And if we do not measure up to them then we are classified as freaks, weirdos, losers, and any other title placed on those who don't fit in. Society is made up of a bunch of outcasts who cluster into groups of others just like them so they don't feel left out. Everyone is a loser. I am a loser, you're a loser, everybody is. It's just a matter of finding the other losers that are like ourselves to make it seem like we are not bound by this unwritten law.
Have you ever averted someones smile when you come together in the hallway? (Say yes.) Why is that? Why do we feel like we can't connect with anyone? What is it about face to face communication and portrayal of emotion that makes us feel so uneasy? Why is it easier to tell someone the way you really feel on facebook or myspace or even texting, but when you try to say it out loud it feels so intimidating? Like you'll literally drop dead if you speak your mind? What has society taught us through the media that gives us these feelings of discomfort and hesitation when dealing with people? I have no answers. I too am under this spell, but I'm trying to break free. When I pass someone in the hall I smile. If they don't smile back, hey, it's their loss. They didn't see my beautiful smiling face. If I need to talk to someone about an immediate matter I call them. If you know me, you know I hate talking on the phone for multiple reasons. It's just so inconvenient. But, since I am trying to get rid of this unattachable emotion that society has placed on me, I am making an actual effort to hear someone's voice instead of read their words for a change. When someone cuts me off, I don't throw my hands up in exasperation, but I smile and show them that out of the rest of my day, you cutting me off doesn't compare to the rest of the crap I go through.
So that was what was going through my head throughout today. I have no idea how I somehow made labeling and detattchment fit together, but who cares(: It works, right? If I got you thinking then my job here is done. Peace.
i Just had an idea some people don't like bumper stickers, but i don;t mind them cuz there like shortcuts. A bumper sticker is basically just something that says " Hey, Let's Never Hang out!"
ReplyDeleteconner... that makes no sense with what that all says. fail.